Hello everybody! Welcome to my SecondLife tutorial series!At the previous serie, we learned how to make a water fountain, right? Now we're learning how to make a simple swing.
Now, I'm trying to make this serie fun for everyone, so I apologise if I don't make this serie fun enough.I know you readers don't think the previous serie was fun, right? I think it's like that.But, I'll try to make it more fun next time.
Now readers of my blog, Do you remember the golden rule of building? That's right, to never build anything at another resident's property.Do it at a sandbox or your own land.

Are you ready? If you are, let's START!

1.REZ a cylinder and name it swing base.
2.Set size to: x=y=z=2.121
3.Set path cut to: B=0.350 E=0.925 set hollow to: 80
4.REZ a cylinder and name it rope.
5.Set size to: x=0.1 y=0.1 z=2.121
6.Put the rope at the corner of the swing base.
7.Copy the rope and put the copied rope at the other corner of the swing base. 
8.REZ a cylinder and name it axle.
9.Set size to:x=y=0.1 z=4.2
10.Put the axle on both of the ropes.
11.REZ a torus and name it pillow.
12.Set size to: x=0.180 y=0.800 z=0.870
13.Set hole size to: x=1 y=0.5.You can copy it for more pillows.
14.REZ a cube and name it swing seat.
15.Set size to:x= 1.300 y=2.100 z=0.200
16.Texture the prims(things) before you link them.
17.Link all the prims.


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